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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    October 2, 2011

    National elections do not bring about change

    The U.S. has now spent $1 trillion on wars and operates military bases in more than 130 countries. Big banks have been bailed out at taxpayer expense, but the economy is still bad for most Maine citizens. They can’t find full-time jobs that pay enough to live on, they can’t get health insurance unless they […]

  • Published
    August 22, 2011

    Bush and Reagan worst, not Carter and Obama

    In the Aug. 15, “Views from Elsewhere” section on the Opinion Page, you printed an editorial “Obama takes title of ‘worst president’ from Carter.” Jimmy Carter was not the worst president that this country has had. In fact, I would have to rate him as being in the top three best presidents. If you are, […]

  • Published
    August 22, 2011

    Cut Social Security, but help Pakistan build dam

    Here we go again. No cost of living raise for two years, and now the people in Washington are talking about cutting our Social Security and Medicare. In Tuesday’s newspaper, however, I read an article about the U.S. helping Pakistan with a dam construction project. Is this anyway to balance the budget? Sending money overseas […]

  • Published
    August 22, 2011

    A plan to foil the plot against voter registration

    In his column of Aug. 16, David Offer raises yet again the accusation that by ending same-day voter registration in the state of Maine Republicans are attempting to “disenfranchise” voters. Be this a plot, and a foul one it must be, there is a way to foil it (curses!!). There are 10 weeks between now […]

  • Published
    August 22, 2011

    ‘Smart meters’ may be too dangerous to use

    After reading many documented reports about the possible health and safety issues concerning wireless “smart meters,” I am very concerned, and extremely worried, for the wellbeing of us all. As I am writing this, my great-grandson is playing on the floor in front of me, and it makes me wonder how these smart meters will […]

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  • Published
    August 22, 2011

    Pray on one knee;gossip on the other

    It is amazing how good churchgoing individuals can pray on one knee and then gossip on the other. There is a name for it. It’s helped me to be a better person. Donna McDonald Palermo

  • Published
    August 21, 2011

    Infusion Therapy Act important, bipartisan bill

    I am pleased to see that AARP has endorsed legislation introduced by Sens. Olympia Snowe of Maine and John Kerry of Massachusetts. If passed, the Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Coverage Act of 2011 will provide coverage for infusion therapy services, supplies and equipment under Medicare Part B performed in the patient’s home. By allowing the […]

  • Published
    August 21, 2011

    Reprinted editorial mean-spirited, offensive

    What is the purpose of your publishing such a mean-spirited and frankly offensive item (“Obama takes the title of ‘worst president'”) from the Toronto Sun as a “View from Elsewhere” on Monday’s Opinion Page? By publishing this drivel from a sensationalist Canadian tabloid, you have given it legitimacy. The article simply perpetuates the lie that […]

  • Published
    August 21, 2011

    Judiciary another aspect that needs to see the light

    I applaud the Freedom of Information Coalition for its great efforts in achieving results for Mainers who wish to access information from our government (Maine Compass, Aug. 15). If democracy is to survive, people need to know what their government is doing. The article stated “lawmakers were not convinced there was a problem.” The coalition […]

  • Published
    August 21, 2011

    Let’s have more data about Education Management

    The edition of Aug. 9 again reports about continuing legal problems of the Education Management Corp., of which former Gov. John McKernan is board chairman. You report this company offers classes online and at 105 locations in 32 states and Canada. From dollar figures mentioned in your article, it would appear that Education Management Corp. […]