“I was Trump before Trump,” claimed Paul LePage several years ago in his delusion that being aligned with the would-be dictator and wannabe-king would be of political advantage to him if he decided to run again for governor. Well, here we are again and he wants the people of Maine to think he has changed his stripes? I don’t think so!

LePage continues to blame national problems on our local governor. He continues to complain about almost everyone and everything that is not actually to blame at the local/state level. He continues to be a negative person and influencer and divider on so many issues.

Mainers need a uniter to bring together people with diverse, nonpartisan, positive opinions who will carry Maine and its people into a U.S.-leading future. We need Janet Mills (and Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden) to continue her (their) leadership for another four (two) years.

Bill Harmon


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