I was driving Rep. Holly Stover as she visited voters in September. She was engaged in an extended conversation with two Republicans when her phones began to buzz.

In her followup, she learned there was an emergency in Boothbay and her help was needed to connect community members in crisis with services and support. She assured her contact, “I can be there in 40 minutes.”

She turned to me and said, “Sorry, Geoff. I need to go. Now.”

Rep. Holly Stover is not just our representative in Augusta. With her work on the Community Resource Council and Lincoln County Dental, her service extends deeply into the fabric of our county. Her actions revealed that she understands that it’s people, not politics or profits — or even re-election, for that matter — that should come first in state government.

Please join me in voting for Holly Stover for state representative of District 48.


Geoff Bates

South Bristol

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