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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Skowhegan teachers gave students gifts for life

    I would like to thank the teachers and staff at Skowhegan Area High School, and all of SAD 54. As the final days of high school for our son come to an end, I wish to express my respect and sincere appreciation to the dedication and care shown daily to our young adults from everyone […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Election isn’t intellectual exercise for Lachowicz

    Recently I emailed Colleen Lachowicz to ask why she was running for state Senate District 25, and to ask how she differed from her primary opponent. Not surprisingly, Lachowicz answered from her professional experience at Kennebec Behavioral Health: “I am running because I have personally seen the effects that bad social policies have wrought on […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Franklin County needs new dispatch center

    On June 12, the citizens of Franklin County will be asked to vote on a referendum to allow the county to issue a $598,300 bond to finance the construction of a building to house a dispatch center and other county services. The building would be erected on property now owned by the county and adjacent […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Most can’t just raise prices to cover new expenses

    It’s always exciting to be able to pay more in taxes. It’s my feeling that governments and their offspring should be doing the same as the general population regarding the the economy, and that is to do more with less. It seems that in this day and age of trillions, the mention of a mere […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    East-west highway a huge land grab

    Taxpayer dollars, secrecy and private interests are all we know about the east-west highway proposal. Taxpayer money amounting to $300,000 will be diverted from roads and bridges needing upgrade and repair to a private company whose spokesman only talks in vague terms. How wide will it be? 2,000 feet? How long? 220 miles? From where […]

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  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Open primary system idea needs slight revision

    I read with interest the letter about open primaries in Maine. The reason Paul LePage was elected and we have suffered all the embarrassment he has brought the state nationwide is because the independents put forth four candidates. They split the votes so much that an unfit candidate took the election with a small percentage […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Lachowicz understands issues facing us

    On June 12, we have an opportunity to nominate candidates for the Maine Legislature. We need to send people to Augusta who have an authentic understanding of the real needs of Maine people. That is why I am urging voters in Senate District 25 (Albion, Benton, Clinton, Detroit, Pittsfield, Unity Township, Waterville and Winslow) to […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Vote for the moderate King to replace Snowe

    After several months of signature collecting door-to-door in communities across the state of Maine, Angus King is now officially on the ballot for U.S. Senate. A thank-you celebration on Tuesday honored the more than 1,500 volunteers whose support made the former governor’s bid for the Senate possible. Sen. Olympia Snowe’s departure could further divide an […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Legislators enjoy benefits, but cut others’ health care

    State senators and representatives are part-time employees who are unlike other hard working part-time and full-time employees struggling to feed their families. Legislators are different because they get full medical and dental health care benefits that are not available to thousands of other Maine part-time and full-time employees. More reprehensible is the fact that many […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Kelley the best Democrat for district attorney

    In July, the Democratic Committee of Kennebec and Somerset counties must meet to nominate a person to run as the Democrat for district attorney. I encourage all Democrats to forgo the past, and welcome Alan Kelley, who has been a Democrat for many years now, to represent our party. Alan is the best person for […]