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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    February 6, 2012

    Let MSHA review go on before casting stones

    People need to stop casting stones of judgment about things we do not know or have investigative results about. Dale McCormick has asked OPEGA to conduct a review of the Maine State Housing Authority. So Treasurer Bruce Poliquin just echoed what McCormick already had requested. Yet instead of respectfully waiting for results, he continues these […]

  • Published
    February 6, 2012

    Employers pay wages that are insulting to workers

    For many years and even now, public service employees at all levels of government have not been paid as much and have not received as many benefits as comparable workers in the private sector. I would like to set that fact aside, however, and suggest that public service wages and benefit packages actually represent a […]

  • Published
    February 6, 2012

    Many homeless kids work hard, deserve a break

    Over the past few days I have been seeing a lot on television about Samantha Garvey. She’s the very smart, 17-year-old who was a semifinalist for a national science competition. What’s so remarkable is that she and her family are homeless. Very impressive, indeed. So impressive that she was a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres […]

  • Published
    February 5, 2012

    Ron Paul a doctor, not a corporate puppet

    I’m tired of the political status quo and the insider corporate influence and control. Things need to change. I’m almost broke trying to sustain the 1 percent and tired of a government that protects and subsidizes these greedy thieves who want to own/rule the world. Ron Paul is not part of that crowd. It’s wonderfully […]

  • Published
    February 5, 2012

    Lawmakers should ignore governor’s proposed budget

    I am confident that our two legislative bodies can come to a fair and equitable budget. I suggest that they ignore the budget the governor has presented. I believe these elected men and women will ignore the senseless budget that this governor wants. It will be difficult to accomplish and he probably will veto it, […]

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  • Published
    February 5, 2012

    Reisert twisted Obama’s words to suit prejudices

    I am amazed how Joseph Reisert (commentary, Jan. 27) twisted Barack Obama’s words to suit his own prejudices. What is wrong with the president’s statement: “Imagine what we could accomplish if we followed (the military’s) example”? The military does focus on the mission at hand and work together. What is wrong with asking our politicians […]

  • Published
    February 5, 2012

    Prayer Caucus attacks others’ religious freedom

    The Maine Prayer Caucus, affiliated with Pray USA, misrepresents its goals in the article “LePage, top Republicans form Prayer Caucus,” (Jan. 18). The caucus says its goal is simply to “preserve the Judeo-Christian heritage of our nation and protect American religious liberty.” I believe the real goal is to have our national government develop a […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Failure to OK pipeline bad for central Maine’s future

    The natural gas pipeline proposal that is before local governments for approval in the Kennebec Valley area is the most important economic development opportunity for this region in this generation. The pipeline has the potential to supply heating and power at a third of the price of oil. It will bring savings of tens of […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Class warfare as corrective to financial inequity

    The term “class warfare” is being advanced as a reprimand to those who point out the growing financial inequity in our society. Well, I’m all for class warfare as a corrective. History reveals that, for most cultures, a divide will develop between a rich, powerful elite and a large, powerless underclass. Nobility and serfs. Dictators […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Money buying political ads better spent elsewhere

    Canada for president? Not sure about that one, but we do need serious candidates to choose from and vote for soon. I am thoroughly disillusioned and disgusted by politics and politicians. They are bought and paid for by the millionaires of the world (sometimes their own money) to fund their own interests. We, the majority, […]