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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    August 6, 2011

    Creating dollars out of thin air won’t solve problems

    Where did the United States and the world go wrong with the economy? When did the government decide to keep the economy running by printing more debt money and increasing the debt? This idea and others like it got us into the Great Depression. Spending money on bailouts, propping up bad investments, borrowing and inflating […]

  • Published
    August 6, 2011

    Connection between natural disasters, prayer

    There is a human connection between natural disasters and prayer. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, floods, wild fires, earthquakes and tsunamis all have a way of minimizing human prowess and accomplishments. We are helpless against the forces of nature; all we can do is seek cover before disaster strikes and clean up in the aftermath. […]

  • Published
    August 6, 2011

    Out-of-state tuition students live in Maine

    I am responding to Rep. Charles Webster’s “proof” of voter fraud. I am a recent graduate of the Muskie School at the University of Southern Maine. I received my bachelor of arts degree in political science in my “home” state of Indiana. I paid an exorbitant amount of money to come to Maine to receive […]

  • Published
    August 6, 2011

    Talking about education: How does 4 + 1 = 6?

    Gov. Paul LePage’s proposed educational reforms would create a five-year high school curriculum. Not only would graduates of this program receive a high school diploma but also a 2-year associate’s degree or two years of transferable college credit. Maybe I’m missing something or my math is rusty, but since when does adding one year of […]

  • Published
    August 6, 2011

    Magazine article about mural panels educational

    A friend mailed me two pages from a magazine that contained pictures of the panels along with their meanings that were recently part of the Labor Department mural fiasco. I am a senior citizen and found the information to be educational as well as interesting. Imagine what the mural’s panels and information could do for […]

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  • Published
    August 6, 2011

    Zero red tape when Capitol stood alone

    Until World War II, Maine was a collection of self-sufficient, self-governing communities, not vulnerable to much of anything. My memory is that the Legislature met for six weeks every other year. I may be wrong; if I am, someone will correct me. I skipped Cony a lot and went to the State House when I […]

  • Published
    August 6, 2011

    Why doesn’t Maine look into solar, geothermal?

    Pocono Raceway received the Pennsylvania Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence for the development of a three-megawatt, ground-mount photovoltaic solar energy system that went online in September. The 25-acre solar installation is the primary electric source for raceway and adds enough electricity to power 1,000 nearby homes. Why have Maine officials ignored solar power, since it […]

  • Published
    August 5, 2011

    Republicans in Congress hypocrites for votes

    After watching the news conference about the debt ceiling (July 25), I have come to the conclusion that the Republicans in Congress are hypocrites. They are blaming President Barack Obama for everything they voted for when President Bush was in office. The Republicans want to make sure that Obama does not get a second term. […]

  • Published
    August 5, 2011

    Election Day registration helps Maine voting record

    It was encouraging to read the Morning Sentinel’s editorial concerning a new law slipped in by the Legislature. This law will prevent new voters from registering to vote on Election Day. Since this new law allows only two working days for election officials to examine the validity of the registrant, no reasonable and productive search […]

  • Published
    August 5, 2011

    Waterville tavern’s sign exploits women

    When is the exploitation of women going to stop? The other day I was driving down Main Street in Waterville, and I happened to notice that the Silver Street Tavern is opened again, which is a good thing for our city. But I would like to know why a sign of a bare-breasted woman is […]