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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    July 28, 2011

    Leave smokers alone and go after the obese

    With regards to Mark Pantermoller’s letter (July 16), I don’t know about leaf eaters, but I’m in full agreement that too many intrude where they are neither wanted nor required. Yeah, I smoke and am tired of this invasive witch-hunt. Now there’s rumblings of making private clubs smoke-free. What part of private is not understood […]

  • Published
    July 28, 2011

    St. Albans Summerfest thanks sponsor, volunteers

    The St. Albans Summerfest Committee would like to thank the people of Poland Spring for donating bottled water to the St. Albans Summerfest. We have the Nokomis JROTC run the Summerfest games, and with the hot and humid weather on July 16, the water from Poland Spring was a welcome relief and refreshment. Poland Spring […]

  • Published
    July 28, 2011

    Cut all the pay of the people in Washington

    In answer to Lynne Chick’s letter (July 22), I have emailed both of the senators in Washington about these cuts. Of course, I never heard from either of them. I wish the people in Washington had to live on what we do. Yes, Chick is right: Cut all of their pay; they can afford it. […]

  • Published
    July 28, 2011

    More research needed on Atlantic salmon problems

    Thank you for the update about lawsuits against dam owners who are accused of mangling Atlantic salmon on their way from the upstream spawning areas into the ocean (Morning Sentinel, July 19). I am concerned about survival of Atlantic salmon in Maine rivers, but I’m very disturbed by the limited scope of what is being […]

  • Published
    July 28, 2011

    Bachmanns lovingly help gays overcome addiction

    I thought it was so beautiful and loving of Michelle Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, to tell the American people that they practice reparative therapy for gay clients. Think of it, teaching these folks caught in an addiction how to work out of it, through Bible study, prayer and their own human will. Teaching restraint, […]

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  • Published
    July 28, 2011

    Government can do a lot to fix money problems

    Did anyone read the interesting article in the Kennebec Journal on July 4? This article confirms McDonald’s has started using its own oil from its vats to fuel vehicles in the Arab world. This is an option in the U.S. as well. So why do we not take advantage of our natural resources before we […]

  • Published
    July 27, 2011

    LePage has done opposite of campaign promises

    The truth comes out. Former Commissioner Norman Olsen’s remarks about his resignation finally reveals how broken the Lepage administration really is. Last year, gubernatorial candidate Paul Lepage shook my hand when I was eating at a local restaurant. He promised me in front of a room full of people that he was going to work […]

  • Published
    July 27, 2011

    Allowing speaker is part of our core values

    I noted the outpouring of fear and hate in response to a museum inviting a speaker from the prominent Middle East news service Al Jazeera to speak in Rockland. The General Henry Knox Museum holds a fundraiser each year to support its work, and since the Arab Spring continues to unfold, they thought Washington bureau […]

  • Published
    July 27, 2011

    Mainers must stand up for higher fuel efficiency

    Your article, “Gasoline prices back up, 4.9 cents in week” (July 18) highlights the increasing cost of Maine’s dependence on oil and makes it clear that Maine families are spending too much of their hard-earned paychecks at the gas pump. Gas prices are once again on the rise, and Maine families will have to find […]

  • Published
    July 27, 2011

    Cheery worker takes sting out of construction delay

    Construction work often can be a pain to drive through. We are busy people with places to get to, and road work or other such construction jobs are just delays. Usually after driving through construction sites, my mother and I are irritated and/or annoyed at how slowly we pass through. Recently, we have been passing […]