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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    August 2, 2011

    So what’s wrong with college kids voting?

    I am outraged at Maine Republican Party Chairman Charles Webster’s witch hunt trying to find a few cases of voter fraud to justify taking away citizens’ right to register to vote on Election Day. The law already has been passed, and now he is conducting a private study to justify it. Why was this issue […]

  • Published
    August 2, 2011

    Cutting MaineCare means higher private premiums

    Gov. Paul LePage has once again made the claim that adults who live below 100 percent of the poverty line, or $908 per month, and working families living below 200 percent of the poverty level, or $3,089 per month for a family of three, should be cut from the MaineCare program. He justifies this cut, […]

  • Published
    August 2, 2011

    Government can do a lot to fix money problems

    Did anyone read the interesting article in the newspaper on July 4? This article confirms McDonald’s has started using its own oil from its vats to fuel vehicles in the Arab world. This is an option in the U.S. as well. So why do we not take advantage of our natural resources before we send […]

  • Published
    August 2, 2011

    Leave smokers alone and go after the obese

    With regards to Mark Pantermoller's letter (July 16), I don't know about leaf eaters, but I'm in full agreement that too many intrude where they are neither wanted nor required. Yeah, I smoke and am tired of this invasive witch-hunt. Now there's rumblings of making private clubs smoke-free.

  • Published
    August 2, 2011

    Norway attack shocking, uncharacteristic

    I was shocked to hear about the problems in Norway. I worked near Oslo at various times and was exposed to the local culture over a 20-year period. I always felt very safe in the area because the people were very friendly and organized with not a hint of this type of chaotic behavior. Knowing […]

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  • Published
    August 2, 2011

    Obama isn’t addressing any of country’s real issues

    The president has the title, but what is his job description? And what happen to his campaign promises? Where does he stand on anything of importance? Lots of questions, yet no answers to any of them. Barack Obama talked a lot about absentee fathers during his campaign, so where is he all the time? Out […]

  • Published
    August 1, 2011

    Fellow Republicans must stop hatred and disrespect

    As a moderate Republican, I am tired of seeing the hatred and disrespect from my own party. Just as Paul LePage has been trying to woo the more moderate voices by implementing plans to satisfy, he is continually attacked. Not just by Democrats, but by strict fiscal conservatives who equate our problems with 40 years […]

  • Published
    August 1, 2011

    It’s time to give wind energy a chance

    We need to develop renewable sources of energy in order to cut carbon emissions. Wind should be a centerpiece of this development. President Bush in 2006 said, “It’s possible we could generate 20 percent of our electricity needs with wind.” What are we waiting for? All sorts of excuses are presented — costs, noise, place, […]

  • Published
    August 1, 2011

    People need to speak up about shameful politics

    It really is time for the American people to wake up and speak up! Our forefathers must be rolling over in their graves. The things going on in Washington are absolutely appalling. It’s an embarrassment to all the great men and women who built this country, let alone to our servicemen and servicewomen who are […]

  • Published
    July 31, 2011

    Criticism of president shows short memories

    I have been upset by the unkind letters concerning our president. We Americans have such short memories. George Bush came to office inheriting a large surplus, which he squandered by an unprovoked attack on Iraq, claiming that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, despite evidence that he had not. Hussein was a tyrant, but […]