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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    July 26, 2011

    Support tourism or multinational corporations

    George Smith’s recent column claiming that fishermen don’t care if there are industrial wind turbines on our mountains would be laughable, if it weren’t such a serious subject. Smith, who saw to it that the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine took a large donation from First Wind and then took a large “sponsorship” himself from the […]

  • Published
    July 26, 2011

    Hoping to wake up and King will still be governor

    A letter writer supports the reimplementation of the draft, noting that “most Americans feel that the wars we are engaged in are necessary for the protection of our country.” He endorses raising taxes “considerably” to pay for war, eventually surmising that the Founding Fathers would agree. Perhaps. But I sure don’t. If our Founding Fathers […]

  • Published
    July 25, 2011

    No corresponding criticism for Baldacci proclamations

    After almost 200 years, your paper just decided prayer is harmful? The newspaper, “LePage joins Perry in call for day of prayer,” and the crowd of online followers should read some history, or at least read Gov. Paul LePage’s proclamation. Every Maine govenor since William King in 1820 has issued proclamations calling for days of […]

  • Published
    July 25, 2011

    Washington folks should be first to not get paid

    On the news a few evenings ago, the question was asked, “If we default, who will be the first to not get paid?” Social Security payments were first on the list by more than one person. If the people in Washington fail to do their jobs, fail to get these very important issues resolved, then […]

  • Published
    July 25, 2011

    Home health care costs less than ERs, hospitals

    Rather than cut health care to a family of four with less than $30,000 annual income, I would urge Gov. Paul Lepage and the Legislature to start thinking out of the box to create jobs while cutting state expenditures as the state of New Jersey and other states are doing. Maine has the largest percentage […]

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  • Published
    July 24, 2011

    Clemens, Bonds robbing the American people

    How can the people of this country condone spending millions of dollars of our money trying a couple of overpaid athletes (Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds)? Every person with any sense at all believes they are guilty. They both perjured themselves and both stole millions of dollars from the American people. And they continue to […]

  • Published
    July 24, 2011

    GOP keeps financial help for consumers on fence

    Now that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has a nominated director, we the people should contact Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe to express our support the new agency. The bureau was created specifically to help us deal with the complexities of interactions with big banks. The goal is simple: To prevent people from being […]

  • Published
    July 24, 2011

    If Dechaine were guilty, wouldn’t he give up?

    I totally agree with Peter Sirois (letter, July 1). I have been following the Dennis Dechaine case for more than 20 years and have saved most of newspaper clippings. I believe him to be innocent. Most people, if they were guilty, would give up trying to prove themselves innocent after all this time. Why won’t […]

  • Published
    July 24, 2011

    Raising debt ceiling bad when Obama was senator

    Our leaders in Washington are engaged in a (great?) debate about raising the debt ceiling in the country. Our president would have us believe that he is all that stands between the evil Republicans who want cuts in spending (while flying their corporate jets and having their lackies push grandmas off the cliff) and the […]

  • Published
    July 23, 2011

    Suicide epidemic among combat soldiers, vets

    Here is a sad and little-publicized fact: The American military has sustained 761 combat deaths in Afghanistan. In the same time period, 817 soldiers have committed suicide. What is happening is nothing short of madness: multiple, consecutive tours of duty with no end in sight. I believe that the longer these men and women endure […]