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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    July 31, 2011

    Latest political crisis is orchestration of fear

    The rhetoric leading up to the current national debt “crisis” has been a careful orchestration of fear. Chaos is a huge money-maker. For years, we have been told to fear “terrorism,” certain religions, the list goes on and on. Now it is our neighbors. Every time, it is a threat to our survival, our “way […]

  • Published
    July 31, 2011

    We all must do more to combat diabetes

    The morning news that Maine is No. 1 in New England, with 26.5 percent of our population having diabetes, is just plain horrible, considering that my wonderful wife of seven years lost her battle with diabetes Nov. 23. In Jane’s case, she was the third member of her family to lose her life at or […]

  • Published
    July 31, 2011

    Farmington condo plan not right for district

    I served on my own town’s Planning Board and I am studying a proposal for a condominium development in the Village Business Historic District of Farmington. Farmington is a community with historic architecture, enormous charm and a long-standing commitment to preserve the character of this neighborhood. This commitment is backed by town ordinances designed to […]

  • Published
    July 30, 2011

    Domestic violence victims need our support

    In light of the recent domestic violence tragedies that have occurred in central Maine, it is important that the family and friends of the victims know that they can express their grief in a supportive and safe environment. Those closest to the victim may suffer from feelings of guilt, anxiety, nightmares and poor concentration. Family […]

  • Published
    July 30, 2011

    Lowest earners forgotten in ‘seasons such as these’

    Maine’s current minimum wage rate is $7.50 per hour. The rate has not been raised since 2009, so minimum wage earners have had a de facto wage freeze. Between 2008 and 2011, the very top of the pay scale has continued to receive large bonuses and benefited from the “tax relief package,” of the past […]

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  • Published
    July 30, 2011

    We should be happy there are farms to smell

    As my husband and I sat, had our coffee and read the paper this morning, I read the letters to the editor. One letter piqued my interest, from a reader in Oakland. She states that she moved back to this part of the state after living away for many years. Like the reader, my husband […]

  • Published
    July 29, 2011

    State workers do part to help balance budget

    I’m proud to be one of the Maine people who work to protect public health and safety and our environment. I work at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, where I am joined by hundreds of hard-working men and women who make sure the quality of our state’s air, water and land are benefiting working […]

  • Published
    July 29, 2011

    Are Republican legislators really on our side?

    The Maine Compass column, published on July 17, by Sen. David Trahan and Rep. L. Gary Knight, titled “Republican tax plan will generate jobs, benefit low-income families” is a column full of mathematical gymnastics. How is a tax plan giving 43 percent of the benefit to those making more than $100,000 going to help low- […]

  • Published
    July 29, 2011

    Medical billing errors can resurrect painful emotions

    “Whoops, sorry, incorrect information.” Like Lynn Plourde, I too have experienced billing on the basis of incorrect medical information entered into the computer system, in my case the wrong insurance company. Consequently, a bill for services rendered in October had to be re-submitted, and I am still awaiting the bill — nine months later. Additionally, […]

  • Published
    July 28, 2011

    Frary needs to shed his partisan loathing

    It may be true that hostility is the reward for speaking certain truths. A wise man learns to accept this; a partisan, to embrace it. John Frary wrote a piece July 24 that truly paints an interesting portrait of our governor, but wraps it in partisan loathing that all but ensures the message won’t get […]