There’s a pending case in Maine’s court system asking that Gov. Paul LePage be ordered to release additional Clean Election tax money.

Here’s our referendum conundrum. Clean Election tax funds caused an increase in candidates seeking office, such that we’ve been saddled with another financial steed in the form of ranked-choice voting, a brand-new election method whereby “the one man, one vote” historical process is replaced by “one man, three or more votes.” Why? The inferred magic of majority over plurality at the polls!

Both subject laws are the product of referendum procedure, a constitutional, citizen-initiated practice that would be lots better by requiring Mainers who enact new legal strings to tie in a price tag and finger the funding.

Referendum use in Maine has become “an ask and you shall receive” free-for-all. But we get what we vote for. Recreational marijuana is shelved for want of operational input. Ranked-choice voting is hamstrung with unconstitutionality. Clean Elections costs increasing millions to aid politicians’ campaigns who are able to stand unassisted.

Pity! We pay for this new stuff by robbing nursing homes, financially strapped caregivers, the many health challenged patients on waiting lists, on and on.

Referendum wagon wheels are worn to rims. And what ever happened to the days when “old school citizenry” was the majority?

John Benoit


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