The Trump administration’s threats of war against Iran are destabilizing and dangerous. And yet, the president currently has the authority to declare war with Iran without any congressional input or approval, on the basis of a law passed in 2001 called the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF). This law allows the president to skip congressional approval before using military force, even though, in our Constitution, only Congress has the power to declare war.

I am opposed to war with Iran. I am also opposed to giving any president the sole authority to declare war without a robust congressional debate about when, where, and how our country goes to war.

The repeal of AUMF is now under consideration by both the U.S. House and Senate.

I urge Reps. Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden, and Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King to support and pass legislation to repeal the AUMF, thereby requiring this president, or any president, to get congressional approval before launching a war.

If you also are against endless war and think that Congress should have input before sending military forces into battle, please call members of Maine’s congressional delegation today to ask them to repeal the Authorization to Use Military Force.


Cheryl Clukey

member, Kennebec Advocacy Team


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