Jason Putnam, candidate in House District 87, is not afraid to take on challenges. When no candidate surfaced to fill the Wiscasset school board vacancy, Jason jumped in. He is committed to providing high-quality education and healthcare for all Mainers, and making affordable, high-speed broadband available throughout Maine — basic, 21st-century infrastructure we badly need.

As I approach retirement, I am very concerned that there are too few young working people in Maine. Maine’s median age (44.5) was the oldest in the country in 2016. Deaths exceed births. Good ideas abound to address our demographic crisis, but sufficient political will is lacking in Augusta to implement them.

Jason, as a father of two boys in the public schools and a small business owner, understands what it will take to attract and retain young families in Maine. Please join me in supporting Jason as our next state representative.

Carla Dickstein


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